Daily Devotionals

Stay inspired in the word.

Daily devotionals from Inspire.

Devotional: Day #


August 22, 2024


In Exodus 33:18 (NKJV), Moses prayed, “God, please, show me Your glory."

Moses wanted to move beyond just serving God, to experiencing the very ‘Glory,’ or the Presence of God.  And that is what we need today! When the members of our Lord’s church see His Glory, it will radically change every one of us—and every nation!

People are looking for those who aren’t just ‘playing’ church, but are very serious about ‘knowing’ God. A congregation that has never been introduced to His Glory is powerless to change the evils of our sinful world.

Did you know that when God’s Spirit was poured out at Azusa Street in 1906, His people encountered the Manifest Presence of His Glory? They forgot about racial pride and began to love everyone—whether they were black, brown or white! Think about it: historically when revival broke out and God’s Glory was revealed, crime decreased and people wanted to go to worship!

God, we want You to show us Your Glory! We ask You to transform the church by the Glory of Your Presence! In turn, let us transform Your world.

Today, I’m worshiping with Earnest Pugh and “Show Me Your Glory.”

We love you and are praying for you. Be INSPIRED!


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Devotional: Day #


August 21, 2024


We can never do anything that would cause God to turn His back on us. His love for us is so great that nothing we could ever do would persuade Him to leave us alone. We are His people, His sons and daughters, and He loves us.

Psalm 94:14 (NKJV) – “For the LORD will not cast off His people, Nor will He forsake His inheritance.”

In Jesus’ parable about the prodigal son, notice that it was the son who walked away, not the father. And when the father saw his son returning, while he was still a great way off, the father ran to meet him and welcome him back home again. That’s the heart of our Heavenly Father!

At times when we go through a crisis, we can feel alone and that God has abandoned us. But that is not true. He is still the “peace-speaker.” If you’ll listen closely, you’ll hear Him speak—in the middle of your storm!

Father, I thank You for never leaving me or abandoning me in the midst of my storms. I love You!

Today, I’m worshiping with the Heritage Singers and “Peace Speaker.”

We love you and are praying for you. Be INSPIRED!


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Devotional: Day #


August 20, 2024


When you begin to understand the heart of God and how much He cares for you, it will affect how you respond to the challenges of life.

Proverbs 17:27 (NKJV) – “He who has knowledge spares his words, And a man of understanding is of a calm spirit.”

While Jesus and His disciples were sailing along, and as He was sound asleep, suddenly a raging storm threatened their little boat. The disciples were so terrified, that they wondered aloud how He could sleep peacefully in the midst of the howling wind. Quickly, they woke the Master and asked if He even cared that they were about to perish. They had misunderstood His calmness, thinking it was a lack of concern for their safety, but that wasn’t what was going on.

After God has brought you through a few storms in your personal life, you no longer tend to panic or become fearful each time there is a problem. You understand that our Lord is committed to keeping you safe.

Father, I thank You today for keeping me through the many storms of life. Even in the middle of the challenges that I’m facing right now, I am blessed that You are helping make me feel calm and secure. I know that You are going to bring me through.

Today, I’m worshiping with Mickey Mangun and “Worship Medley.”

We love you and are praying for you. Be INSPIRED!


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Devotional: Day #


August 19, 2024


Let’s refuse to be sensitive when we’re criticized by others. Don’t allow negative statements to get to your heart.

Ecclesiastes 7:21-22 (NKJV) – “Also do not take to heart everything people say, Lest you hear your servant cursing you. [22] For many times, also, your own heart has known That even you have cursed others.”

If someone says something that’s hurtful, maybe they’ve had a bad day. Or perhaps they have completely misunderstood a situation. It could be they heard only part of a story and not all the facts. Without all the information, no one can intelligently assess a situation.

Whatever the reason, some people are sure to say unkind things, but don’t allow it to hurt you. We too have said things that we shouldn’t, haven’t we? If you let things people say get under your skin, it can affect your spirit or even the way you feel about yourself. We never will be able to please everyone. God doesn’t expect us to. All He requires of us is that we serve Him and do our best to please Him.

Father, give me the ability to ‘tune out’ unkind words people say that do not reflect the values You have given me. However, if there is any merit in the words they speak, help me to correct my behavior, rather than becoming angry.

Today, I’m worshiping with Hillsong and “Who You Say I Am.”

We love you and are praying for you. Be INSPIRED!


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