Daily Devotionals

Stay inspired in the word.

Daily devotionals from Inspire.

Devotional: Day #


September 19, 2024


As a small child, were you ever afraid of the dark? Children become fearful when they don’t know what might be in the darkness. But when you stay close to God, you realize that you are safe because light and darkness are all the same to Him.

Daniel 2:22 (NKJV) – “He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, And light dwells with Him.”

He knows everything about the darkness. If you are walking through a dark season of pain, loss, or uncertainty, God knows what you’re facing and says, “My child, fear not; for I am with you!”

Lord, I thank You because there has never been a moment when You didn’t care about me, even when there was something out there that I could not see. You have promised to reveal the deep and secret things the enemy uses to make me fearful and afraid that hide in darkness. Oh, how I praise You for Your great love!

Today, I’m worshiping with Bri Babineaux and “He’s My Rock.”

We love you and are praying for you. Be INSPIRED!


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Devotional: Day #


September 18, 2024


You would think that by now, people would realize how these solemn words of David apply more than ever. Our nation is not exempt from this word of warning either.

Psalm 9:17 (NKJV) – “The wicked shall be turned into hell, And all the nations that forget God.”

The problems of our world cannot be fixed unless God becomes a major part of the solution. To leave Him out of the picture only ensures that the depravity of man will continue to grow worse.  

Because of man’s greed, hatred, jealousy, insecurity, and lust for power, every utopia that humanity has ever tried to create only increased our pain and suffering.  

Our Father, just as this psalm of David declared 2,900 years ago, we need You!  Our world is in real trouble. We have tried to become the master of our own fate without surrendering our lives to the only One who has the power to fix what sin has broken. Help us, I pray! Come to our aid. We pray for America and the nations of the world.

Today, I’m worshiping with Kari Jobe and “First Love, Embers, Obsession.”

We love you and are praying for you. Be INSPIRED!


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Devotional: Day #


September 17, 2024


Paul refers to our very worst problems as nothing more than a “light affliction, which is but for a moment.”

2 Corinthians 4:17-18 (NKJV) – “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, [18] while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.”

You may be thinking, “After all I’ve been through? If Paul realized the seriousness of what I’m facing, he wouldn’t have made such a statement.” But the reason He could write those words is because he knew something about God’s pay-back plan for every struggle we have had to face on earth.  

When you get your first glimpse of Christ in heaven, I’m sure you’ll say that the trials and tribulation you endured on earth were nothing to compare with what you’ll enjoy for eternity! It’s like paying $1,000 for a trunk at an auction and discovering a painting by an old master worth $100 million inside. Before your purchase, $1,000 may have seemed like a lot to pay for an empty trunk—but not after you discovered what it held!  

Lord, it will be worth anything I ever go through on earth just to behold Your face. Your beauty will make everything I’ve endured seem as nothing. I’ll forget it all the moment I see You. I can hardly wait for that day!

Today, I’m worshiping with Worship Mob and “Adonai.”

We love you and are praying for you. Be INSPIRED!


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Devotional: Day #


September 16, 2024


The enemy wants you to feel alone, abandoned and forsaken. But God’s Word assures us that you have a family!

Psalm 68:6 (NKJV) – “God sets the solitary in families; He brings out those who are bound into prosperity; But the rebellious dwell in a dry land.”

Those who belong to the family of God are never alone. People care about you and are praying for you. Even when you’re struggling through difficult situations, you are not alone— or at least, you don’t have to be.

Talk to someone in the church where you attend if you are facing a really difficult challenge. Ask them to pray for you. God will honor the prayers of your brothers and sisters in Christ. They will strengthen you and God will help you to prosper again.

Lord, I thank You for giving me a church family. Thank You for giving me caring brothers and sisters who will pray for me when I need a breakthrough. The support of Your people is an incredible blessing to me.

Today, I’m worshiping with Joshua Sherman, Charity Gayle, and Steven Musso and “Enter In.”  

We love you and are praying for you. Be INSPIRED!


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